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  • Datacomms Training

    Cosa hai bisogno di sapere BADGE DIGITALI Ottieni certificazioni avanzate su qualsiasi corso desiderato. Dare un'occhiata. ​ Dacomms Training ha stretto una partnership con Credly per fornirti un modo conveniente per mostrare i tuoi risultati professionali. Al termine del corso, ora riceverai un "badge digitale" per riconoscere i tuoi risultati. Un badge digitale è facilmente condiviso online, ricco di dati e verificato. È il modo ideale per mostrare i tuoi risultati. I badge aiutano a supportare sia gli individui che le aziende avendo un modo facilmente identificabile per riconoscere i talenti e premiare i risultati. Offrono un valore significativo ai professionisti creando un forte strumento visivo che può aiutare a migliorare il riconoscimento dei dipendenti e rafforzare i profili di lavoro per coloro che cercano nuove opportunità di carriera. Dopo aver completato con successo un corso di formazione Datacomms e aver ricevuto la certificazione ufficiale, alle persone verrà automaticamente rilasciato il loro badge digitale univoco. I badge vengono archiviati in modo sicuro insieme e gestiti dall'individuo tramite il proprio account utente. Da qui, i badge possono essere facilmente condivisi tramite i social media e possono anche essere scaricati per verificare conoscenze, competenze e certificazioni acquisite, quindi aggiunge una preziosa credibilità ai profili professionali delle persone. Vantaggi dell'utilizzo dei badge Credly. Ecco alcuni dei vantaggi dell'utilizzo dei badge digitali Credly: ​​ Riconoscimento: i badge digitali possono essere utilizzati per riconoscere e celebrare i risultati dell'apprendimento. Questo può essere un ottimo modo per motivare gli studenti e incoraggiarli a continuare ad apprendere. Verifica: i badge digitali possono essere verificati per garantire che siano autentici e che lo studente abbia soddisfatto i requisiti per ottenere il badge. Questo può essere utile per i datori di lavoro e altre organizzazioni che stanno cercando di valutare le capacità e le conoscenze di uno studente. Portabilità: i badge digitali sono portatili e possono essere facilmente condivisi con altri. Questo li rende un ottimo modo per mostrare le tue capacità e conoscenze a potenziali datori di lavoro o clienti. Personalizzazione: i badge digitali possono essere personalizzati per riflettere i risultati individuali dello studente. Questo può renderli più significativi e motivanti per lo studente. Nel complesso, i badge digitali Credly sono uno strumento prezioso per riconoscere, verificare e mostrare i risultati dell'apprendimento. Possono essere utilizzati da individui, organizzazioni e datori di lavoro per aiutare gli studenti a monitorare i propri progressi, sviluppare competenze e far progredire la propria carriera. Formazione infrastrutturale Formazione sui centri dati

  • Datacomms Training

    Formazione sui centri dati WHY DATA CENTRE CERTIFICATIONS Acquiring Data Centre certifications is the best way for Data centre Professionals to gain insights and knowledge on cutting edge technologies , skills , advance their career progression and earn more money. ​ Certifications allow data center managers and decision-makers to find and retain talent that can bridge the IT skills gap. However, with so many certifications available, it can be difficult to know where to start. Familiarize yourself with today’s top data center certifications from DCT to better understand your options and select the one(s) that best meet the needs of yourself and your organization. ​ WHY GET A DATA CENTRE CERTIFICATION FROM DCT ? ​ Boost credibility Professional development with DCT certifications with career advancement . Fill the skills gap , be competitive and earn more money. DCT Data Centre Essentials This program has been designed to help de-mystify the complex world of data centers. It provides an overview of what data centers are, what they do and why we need them. Key aspects relating to basic design and design philosophies are also examined and the essential considerations of data center management such as operational processes, energy management and facility management are explored along with their relationships to overall business strategy. Read More Duration 1 Day Cost $ 650 SCARICA IL PDF DCT Data Center Cooling Data centre cooling provides optimized cooling to ensure lower operation cost , well maintained active equipment ( servers , storage and network equipment) . The cooling options are, Free cooling , Room cooling , Rack mounted DX thermal cooling , row based cooling and centralized chiller systems. As the data center power and density has increased every year, the need to remove the heat generated has become a more important factor for the design and operation of the facility. Read More Duration 5 Days Cost $ 650 SCARICA IL PDF DCT Data Center Power Data Centre power systems are key to Data centre operations , which includes smart online UPS , Tower UPS , Modular UPS , Inverters , solar systems and backup generators to ensure 100% uptime . An Automatic transfer switch (ATS) is installed to ensure continuous delivery of power from primary source to a backup power source in case of power failure from the primary source. Read More Duration 5 Days Cost $ 650 SCARICA IL PDF DCT Data Center Essentials, Power and Cooling. DCT Data Center Combo covers Data center essentials, power and cooling mainly designed to help you better understand the essentials on mechanical cooling and power systems that support data centers. Read More Duration 5 Days Cost $ 3250 SCARICA IL PDF DCT Data Center Design The DCT Data Centre Design certification ( DCT-DC-DCD ) helps with design , architecting , engineering and planning of Data centres. The DCD certification covers best practices applicable in planning , documentation and construction of Data centres, Data Centre standards , Floor space , cabinet placement , Power , Cooling , Cabling and Building Management Systems (BMS) .The DCT-DC-DCD is a 5 day in-depth certified training which helps individuals to understand the concepts of building Data centre from design to construction from Feasibility study , documentation and design of a modern data centre. Read More Duration 5 Days Cost $ 3250 SCARICA IL PDF DCT Micro Data Centre DCT MDC-DIC: The 3-day practical course on Micro Data centre (MDC) , Design , Install and Configure is targeted for individuals and companies who want to migrate from Server / Network cabinet with comfort cooling with no monitoring to an integrated “ Data Centre in-a- Box “ with full Data Centre Infrastructure Management (DCIM) with an option for Centralized monitoring dash board for multiple MDC. Students will gain practical knowledge of facilities infrastructure, power, cooling, security, fire , DCIM and Environmental Monitoring system(EMS) with automatic Alerts. The course Includes one day of DCT Data centre Essentials. Read More Duration 3 Days Cost $ 1950 SCARICA IL PDF DCT Project Management for Infrastructure and Data Center Managers (PMIDC) The DCT PMIDC course gives project managers the skills to handle complex projects with defined methodology from start to finish. Read More Duration 5 days Cost $ 3250 SCARICA IL PDF

  • Datacomms Training

    datacomms, datacomms training,Data center, Data center training, DCT datacomms, datacomms training,Data center, Data center training, DCT Data center, Data center training, DCT, datacomms, datacomms training Data center, Data center training, DCT, datacomms, datacomms training Data center, Data center training, DCT, datacomms, datacomms training Data center, Data center training, DCT, datacomms, datacomms training datacomms, datacomms training,Data center, Data center training, DCT datacomms, datacomms training,Data center, Data center training, DCT 1/9 visione Stiamo cambiando il modo in cui il mondo pensa alla formazione IT Sperimenta un modo completamente nuovo di imparare. Con più di 10 corsi certificabili sufficienti per migliorare la tua carriera professionale. Full Brochure DCT, DATACOMMS TRAINING, DATA COMMS, Data Center, Data center training.

  • Datacomms Training Privacy policy

    SCOPE Last Updated: 08 August 2023 ​ ​ This privacy notice applies to any Datacomms Training website, application, service, or tool (collectively "Services") where this privacy notice is referenced, regardless of how you access or use them, including through mobile devices. It also applies to any other communication we may have with you. We do not knowingly attempt to solicit or receive information from children.​ ​ PERSONAL INFORMATION WE COLLECT WHAT INFORMATION WE COLLECT If you are a training participant, your employer (or other third party paying for training) supplies us with your business contact information: Name, email address, physical address and phone number. Some employers also provide additional identifying information such as an employee ID number. We do not ask for nor do we process sensitive personal information. If you are purchasing training for yourself or interacting with our Services without being a training participant, we collect the contact information you provide. In interacting with our Services, we collect IP address and data associated with cookies. We will also generate information about your use of the services, including creating a record of your training. We do not consider personal information to include information that has been anonymized or aggregated so that it can no longer be used to identify a specific natural person, whether in combination with other information or otherwise. ​ PERSONAL INFORMATION YOU GIVE US WHEN YOU USE OUR SERVICES OR REGISTER FOR AN ACCOUNT WITH US Identifying information such as your name, addresses, telephone number(s) or email address(es) when you register for an account with us Other content that you generate, or that is connected to your account (such as course attendance, course progress, and user preferences) Postage, billing and other information used to purchase or send course materials, invoices, and other information. You may also provide us other information through a web form, by updating or adding information to your account, through your participation in community discussions, member-to-member communications, chats, dispute resolution, or when you otherwise communicate with us regarding our Services Additional information we are required or authorized by applicable national laws to collect and process in order to authenticate or identify you or to verify the information we have collected PERSONAL INFORMATION WE COLLECT AUTOMATICALLY WHEN YOU USE OUR SERVICES OR REGISTER FOR AN ACCOUNT WITH US We collect information about your interaction with our Services. This is information we receive from devices (including mobile devices) you use when you access our Services. This information could include the following: Device ID or unique identifier, device type, and unique device token Computer and connection information such as statistics on your page views, traffic to and from the sites, referral URL, ad data and your IP address. PERSONAL INFORMATION WE COLLECT USING COOKIES AND SIMILAR TECHNOLOGIES We use cookies, web beacons, unique identifiers, and similar technologies to collect information about the pages you view, the links you click, and other actions you take when using our Services, within our website, advertising or email content PERSONAL INFORMATION COLLECTED FROM OTHER SOURCES As described above, we collect contact information from employers and other third parties who make purchases on your behalf. We may supplement the personal information we collect directly with information collected from third parties and add it to your account information. 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We also collect information when orders are placed from the party making the order. This information is typically provided by an employer, but may be provided directly by you or another third party purchasing services on your behalf. ​ YOUR CHOICES ABOUT HOW WE USE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION We endeavor to provide you with choices about how we use your personal information to communicate with you, to send you marketing information, and how we provide you with individualized Services and relevant information. There are some instances, however, where the processing of your information may be limited or determined by others. If your data was provided to us by your employer (or other party paying for our Services on your behalf), we will process the data based on the legitimate interests of your employer in having us provide Services to you in the context of that relationship. 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Performance of a contract: Datacomms Training delivers business and IT training to end user students on the basis of a contract with our customers. These contracts provide for the use of personal data of end user students, such as name, email address, and job title, as necessary to effectuate training delivery. Compliance with legal obligations: We may process your personal data if necessary. ​ CONTACT US If you have a question or a complaint about this privacy notice, our global privacy standards, or our information handling practices, you can reach the Datacomms Training Privacy Office in writing at: Datacomms Training , 450 Bath Road, Heathrow, London, UB7 0EB. You can also email our Datacomms Training Privacy Team at Consumers may also reach us by phone at (+44) (0) 208 8970346 . We do not discriminate against any consumer based on the exercise of their consumer rights. Call (+44) (0) 208 8970346 Email Follow

  • Datacomms Training

    Formazione sui centri dati WHY DCT INFRASTRUCTURE CERTIFICATIONS Just like roads and Bridges are needed for a smart city , Smart infrastructure are required for buildings to ensure all services are efficient , integrated and available for the tenants . This ranges from advance Fiber and Copper systems , Enterprise Wireless and IoT , Network POE Switches , Physical security ( CCTV & Access control ) , Audio / Video (AV) over IP , Unified communications , Distributed Antenna Systems etc As Technology is moving towards higher bandwidth and all services are connected by copper and fiber media , it is of paramount importance that certified trainings are done on Infrastructure to ensure the latest standards are adopted and installed to ensure maximum efficiency with an integrated Building management System (BMS). The DCT Infrastructure trainings will help installers / contractors to gain knowledge and skills to advance their careers . Familiarize yourself with today’s leading Infrastructure certifications from DCT to better understand your options and select the one(s) that best meet the needs of yourself and your organization. ​ WHY GET AN INFRASTRUCTURE CERTIFICATION FROM DCT ? Boost credibility Be complaint to the latest standards on Infrastructure Professional development with DCT certifications with career advancement . Help in design of complex infrastructure passive and active networks. Fill the skills gap , be competitive and earn more money. DCT Certified Network Infrastructure Professional Today’s Network Infrastructure for smart buildings starts with the foundation of copper and fiber cabling supported by Networking and wireless equipment to support POE devices on LAN and IoT devices. The DCT Certified Network Infrastructure professional (CNIP) is a 5 days intensive practical course with the aim to develop knowledge and skills to design and implement complex projects. The course covers Network fundamentals , Networking standards , Wireless , Security , unified communications , Copper Systems and Fiber systems Read More Duration 5 Days Cost $ 1500 SCARICAMENTO DCT Cloud Essentials DCT Cloud Computing Essentials gives an insight into how Cloud computing helps individuals and organizations to take advantage of the cost / benefit of moving from on premises equipment to cloud computing with faster and reliable internet. The course is suitable for people planning to migrate to cloud and helps to understand concepts of cloud computing on compute and storage. Cloud computing provides a superior alternative to traditional on premises Server , Networking and storage equipment . The benefits are reduced costs , speed , scalability , productivity, and reliability . Cloud computing allows users to remotely access unlimited data storage and software over the internet without the need for expensive hardware in every business location. Read More Duration 2 Days Cost $ 600 SCARICAMENTO DCT Cybersecurity awareness Designed to give learners an understanding of how to secure their data and devices while using organizational or personal resources. Read More Duration 2 Days Cost $ 600 SCARICAMENTO DCT Security Management, Planning & Asset Protection Security and Management are two key elements for the successful development and progression of any leading business. Effective security management, personnel, and systems must integrate and support the business to secure key assets, rather than restrict its operation. Read More Duration 5 Days Cost $ 1500 SCARICAMENTO DCT IP Surveillance, Storage & Access Control This is Practical oriented course which covers the principles, Installation and integration of IP Surveillance, Storage & Network Video Recorder(NVR) and access control to give a unified solution on physical security. Read More Duration 5 Days Cost $ 1500 SCARICAMENTO DCT Copper systems and Fiber systems DCT Structured cabling is a unique Multi-vendor course that introduces Structured Cabling standards for both Copper & Fibre installations Read More Duration 5 Days Cost $ 1500 SCARICAMENTO DCT Unified Communications & Video Conferencing. DCT Unified Communications is a unique Multi-vendor course that introduces IP Telephony, Unified Messaging, Unified Presence and Unified mail to ICT Professional who are interested in venturing into the world of IP communications Read More Duration 5 Days Cost $ 1500 SCARICAMENTO

  • Datacomms Training

    IL NOSTRO VIAGGIO Data Comms Training (DCT) progetta e sviluppa corsi di formazione sulle infrastrutture dal 1999. I corsi di formazione sui data center sono stati aggiunti nel 2015, offrendo un portafoglio di formazione completo a livello fisico e di rete. I corsi di formazione sono adatti per appaltatori, installatori e integratori di sistemi. I nostri istruttori hanno molti anni di esperienza pratica nel loro campo, usiamo i nostri istruttori e non i formatori part-time. Gli istruttori sono ben informati nella materia che stanno insegnando. I corsi di formazione sono dotati di badge digitali CREDLEY Certificazioni riconosciute a livello internazionale. DCT è l'unico fornitore di istruzione nella regione che offre corsi di formazione su infrastrutture e data center con installazione e configurazione pratiche. I corsi sui data center riguardano progettazione, elementi essenziali, alimentazione, raffreddamento e gestione dei progetti, mentre i corsi sulle infrastrutture coprono rame, fibra ottica, TVCC, comunicazioni unificate e wireless. LA NOSTRA MISSIONE Ridefinire la Via Ci muoviamo Datacomms Training, situato a 450 Bath Road, Heathrow, Londra, UB7 0EB, è un corso di formazione IT di prim'ordine specializzato nella progettazione e infrastruttura di data center. Il nostro programma completo è personalizzato per fornire ai partecipanti le conoscenze e le competenze necessarie per eccellere nel campo dinamico della gestione dei data center. Dalla comprensione dei fondamenti dell'architettura del data center alla padronanza delle tecnologie infrastrutturali avanzate, i nostri istruttori esperti forniscono formazione pratica e scenari del mondo reale per garantire risultati di apprendimento pratici. Partecipa oggi stesso a Datacomms Training e acquisisci le competenze necessarie per progettare e ottimizzare gli ambienti dei data center per la massima efficienza e affidabilità. Il nostro viaggio finora 1999 LA FORMAZIONE DATACOMMS È FONDATA E SVILUPPATA Data Comms Training (DCT) ha progettato e sviluppato la formazione sulle infrastrutture 2015 I CORSI SONO OFFERTI AI PARTNER DI FORMAZIONE I corsi di formazione sui data center sono stati aggiunti nel 2015, offrendo un portafoglio di formazione completo a livello fisico e di rete

  • Datacomms Training

    Infrastructure Training DCT Certified Network Infrastructure Professional Today’s Network Infrastructure for smart buildings starts with the foundation of copper and fiber cabling supported by Networking and wireless equipment to support POE devices on LAN and IoT devices. The DCT Certified Network Infrastructure professional (CNIP) is a 5 days intensive practical course with the aim to develop knowledge and skills to design and implement complex projects. The course covers Network fundamentals , Networking standards , Wireless , Security , unified communications , Copper Systems and Fiber systems Duration 2 Days DOWNLOAD PDF DCT Cloud Essentials DCT Cloud Computing Essentials gives an insight into how Cloud computing helps individuals and organizations to take advantage of the cost / benefit of moving from on premises equipment to cloud computing with faster and reliable internet. The course is suitable for people planning to migrate to cloud and helps to understand concepts of cloud computing on compute and storage. Cloud computing provides a superior alternative to traditional on premises Server , Networking and storage equipment . The benefits are reduced costs , speed , scalability , productivity, and reliability . Cloud computing allows users to remotely access unlimited data storage and software over the internet without the need for expensive hardware in every business location. Duration 2 Days DOWNLOAD PDF DCT Cybersecurity awareness Designed to give learners an understanding of how to secure their data and devices while using organizational or personal resources. Duration 2 Days DOWNLOAD PDF DCT Security Management, Planning & Asset Protection Security and Management are two key elements for the successful development and progression of any leading business. Effective security management, personnel, and systems must integrate and support the business to secure key assets, rather than restrict its operation. Duration 2 Days DOWNLOAD PDF DCT IP Surveillance, Storage & Access Control This is Practical oriented course which covers the principles, Installation and integration of IP Surveillance, Storage & Network Video Recorder(NVR) and access control to give a unified solution on physical security. Duration 2 Days DOWNLOAD PDF DCT Copper systems and Fiber systems DCT Structured cabling is a unique Multi-vendor course that introduces Structured Cabling standards for both Copper & Fibre installations Duration 2 Days DOWNLOAD PDF DCT Unified Communications & Video Conferencing. DCT Unified Communications is a unique Multi-vendor course that introduces IP Telephony, Unified Messaging, Unified Presence and Unified mail to ICT Professional who are interested in venturing into the world of IP communications Duration 2 Days DOWNLOAD PDF Apply Today This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content. 123-456-7890

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